In this past post I shared the Benefits Canada Healthcare Survey findings that employees who view their group benefit plan as quality are most likely to report also being satisfied with their job. The group benefits survey also finds that employees who are healthy are also more likely to find their group benefits meet their needs and also repot being satisfied with their job.
The group benefits survey also finds that employees are looking to their employer to support their physical, mental and nutritional health. But who is responsible for employee health? Employees seem to think their employer is. And a case can be made that it’s in an employer’s best interest to keep employees healthy. One must acknowledge that personal health is always to some degree the responsibility of the individual. But as individuals the info we receive (and “research”) is often conflicting and confusing. Again employees look to their employer to vet vendors and information so they can consult trusted sources without hours of googling. What about the government? Aren’t they responsibly for healthcare? Well yeah. The federal government made it their job to keep us healthy with the Canadian Health Act but have failed to live up to that promise. With family physician access akin to winning the lottery in some cities, wait times for specialist getting longer and longer, emergency centers closing and some people unable to afford drugs or dentalcare without an employee benefit plan, the burden of healthcare is for better or for worse seemingly shifting (shifted?) to the employer. If employers have by de facto become responsible for keeping working Canadians healthy, the next question is can they afford to continue to do so? And how will group benefit plans evolve to solve this? Comments are closed.